Why Do People Seek Sex Therapy?
Over the course of a person’s lifetime, multiple factors can add up and lead to difficulties with sex. Stress, trauma, illness, the side effects of medications, depression, and lack of self-esteem often negatively impact a person’s sexual functioning and desire. It is not uncommon for couples and individuals to experience sex-related challenges at some point in their lives. Everyone, and every body, deserves to experience satisfying, exciting, loving, and fulfilling sexual relationships and sexual contact. Sex therapy can often help.
Clients come to see me with trauma, shame, and guilt about the ways in which they are sexual and embodied. I understand the ways in which trauma —and the resulting fear and anxiety—impacts sexual functioning, and inhibits healthy sexual behavior. Working with a board-certified sex therapist helps clients overcome sexual difficulties by using trauma-informed clinical practices.
Anxiety and shame are at the root of most sexual dysfunctions. These are typically emotions and feelings that trap human beings in rigid and fearful ways of expressing, or not expressing, themselves. Anxiety and shame have a powerful impact, particularly on how we manifest ourselves in sexual ways. These emotions can sometimes cause people to retreat and hide their bodies and sexuality, and occasionally results in sexual compulsivity and over-expression.
Regardless of the ways clients experience challenges with sex, I am in a unique position to help people navigate the often complex pathway toward feeling at home in their bodies and in their sexuality.